Reciter: Tejani Brothers

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Taking one last, look at you as you leave
I see fire, now what do you perceive
Do you see hearts, broken like our dreams
Or our tents aflame, and all the children’s screams
Going to think of you, as I run between tents ablaze
Going to see you in my dreams, see you every day

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

As you stand alone, you’re looking left and right
Can I just ask you as you leave to fight
Since I was born, have you ever left my side
As you walk you’ll see, my footsteps by your strides
Going to scream aloud, as your pure neck is hacked away
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Your tears tell, about your broken heart
Your bowing head, reveals your every scar
I know that you’ve faced, tribulations so hard
But the time has come, for us to be apart
Going to watch you walk, as the sound of your steps fade away
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

If there’s no-one, to prepare you for the war
You know Zainab, would give her life for yours
Without any words I’ll kneel down on the floor
And with these hands, I’ll help you climb your horse
Going to help you now, who will help me after today
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

As you walk away, it breaks my heart to see
Every few steps, you turn to look at me
You are strong enough, to handle any grief
But you’re broken, to leave your family
Going to smile at you, every time you turn to look my way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

I look for a sign, whilst standing on a mound
That you’re safe with, no enemies around
But my heart shakes, and I fall to the ground
Watching you lay, and making not a sound
Going to run to you, to protect you on the burning plains
Going to see you in my dreams, see you every day

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

As I walk past, your body tied in chains
I make this vow, to you oh my Hussain
I will stay strong, and will bear through any pains
I may not live, but your name will remain
Going to make you proud, as I’m dragged away from where you lay
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

You have left me with a gift I must return
A little princess for years who you yearned
She will be slapped her body will be burned
She will die in pain calling you at every turn
Going to lay her slowly into a dark and empty gave
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Going to think of you, on that road every step of the way
Going to see you in my dreams, see you everyday

Urdu Lyrics

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