Reciter: Qurban Jafri

Oh, My Baba!

Centuries Have Gone Under The Dust

Sand Of Time Have Replaced Everything

Even The Countless Corpses Have Turned Into Soil

And Several Famous Names Vanished In The Blue

But A Grieving Soul Is Still Waiting

And Mourning To Get Free From Its Prison

Imprisoned In The Cage Of Its Grave

Oh, My Baba!

People Call It A Grave

But It’s A Prison Where Yourdaughter Is

They Are Engraved In My Bones

I Am Still Waiting To Released From These Chains

Oh, My Baba ! People Call It A Coffin

But It’s A Prison Where Your Masooma Is Lying Without Any Veil

I Am Still Waiting To Get My Veil

Oh, My Baba!

I Am Weeping For Centuries

My Grave Has Turned Into Faraat Of My Tears

But My Eyes Are Drenched Like The Desert Of Kerbela

I Am Still Waiting For Ghazi To Quench My Thirst

Oh, My Baba!

I Have Forgotten The Warmth Of Your Bosom
The Grave Is So Cold For My Burned Kurta
I Am Still Waiting For The Shelter Of Your

Oh, My Baba !

I Am Not Able To Sleep For Centuries

I Am Still Waiting For Your Arm’s Cradle

Hide Me In Your Arms Baba Jaan

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