Reciter: Ali Shanawar

O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds
O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain
O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

I Swear To Allah You Have Shown Us So Much Courage Through The Pain
You Sacrificed Your Family And Were Killed Thristy O Hussain
You Gave Everything For Allah, Never Did You Complain
I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain

O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds
O Hussain You Live Forever Ino Ur Hearts And In Our Minds

I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain
O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

I Swear To Allah Whenever I Face Troubles In My Life
I Close My Eyes And See Your Shrine And Call Labaik Everytime
O Hussain You Are The Love Of My Heart, You Are The Light Of My Eyes
I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain

Urdu Lyrics

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. ada

    O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds
    O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

    I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain
    O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

    I Swear To Allah You Have Shown Us So Much Courage Through The Pain
    You Sacrificed Your Family And Were Killed Thristy O Hussain
    You Gave Everything For Allah, Never Did You Complain
    I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain

    O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds
    O Hussain You Live Forever Ino Ur Hearts And In Our Minds

    I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain
    O Hussain You Live Forever In Our Hearts And In Our Minds

    I Swear To Allah Whenever I Face Troubles In My Life
    I Close My Eyes And See Your Shrine And Call Labaik Everytime
    O Hussain You Are The Love Of My Heart, You Are The Light Of My Eyes
    I Swear To Allah Until My Last Breath I Will Remember Hussain

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